Frequently asked questions

What size are your manuals?

Almost all of our manuals are supplied in A5 - 5.8 in (W) x 8.3 in (H), 148mm (W) x 210 mm (H). This is basically the size of a paperback book. This is both portable and easy to read.

If we think the font is too small to read in A5, we will produce the manual in A4 - 8.3 in (W) x 11.7 in (H) , 210 mm (W) x 297 mm (H). This is twice the size of A5 and is the size of a full sheet of paper. It is easier to read but less portable. There will usually be an extra charge if manuals are provided in A4.

All our manuals are printed double sided.

How are the manuals bound?

We offer two types of binding - perfect (also known as heat or thermal) and spiral (also known as wire).

Perfect binding is just like a book. It is secured by glue inside a cover. The manuals come with a transparent front cover and a white card back cover.

Spiral binding is stronger than perfect binding and has the advantage of lying completely flat and being able to be turned back on itself It is held together with white metal wire binding. It also comes with a transparent front cover and a white card back cover.

We recommend spiral binding for any document with more than 150 pages and we add it automatically to all orders for manuals with more than 150 pages.

What do you charge for postage and packing?

Postage and packing is charged at £3.90 per order to the UK, €8.95 to Europe, $11.95 to the USA, AU$20.95 to Australia, C$14.95 to Canada, NZ$20.95 to New Zealand and R179.95 to South Africa. The rest of the world will be charged $US 11.95 per order.
All orders outside the UK and Europe have a tracking number.

How can I pay?

Payment can be made by Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Paypal.

Depending on where you are in the world, you will be charged in £ Sterling, $ US Dollars, € Euro, Australian, Canadian or New Zealand Dollars or South African Rand.

Are my details safe when I buy on the Internet?

All our transactions are handled by Sage Pay . They are the UK's most trusted on-line payment provider and are 100% PCI DSS compliant. OTC never sees any information about your credit or debit card.

We are fully GDPR compliiant.

How long will it take for my manual to arrive?

We dispatch all orders within 12 working hours of receiving them. Orders received before 12 noon will be sent out that day, orders received after 12 noon will go the following day. We send you an automatic email as soon as we have started working on your order and another one once the manual is ready for despatch.

We send all orders by first class post using the Royal Mail. They aim to deliver most First Class mail the next working day, including Saturdays, to the UK. For orders outside the UK it usually takes four to six days to reach Western Europe and seven to ten days to the rest of the world.

What happens if my manual never arrives?

If your manual has not arrived after about 7 days (14 days outside the UK and Europe) please contact us, quoting your order number, and explain that the manual never arrived. We will send a replacement free of charge.

Can I cancel or return my order?

If, for whatever reason, you decide you don't want the printed manual once you have received it you can return it to us for a 100% refund. Send it, with a short explanation of why you are returning it, to:

PO Box 370

What rate of sales tax do you apply?

Printed instruction manuals are books and are therefore exempt from tax.

What are instruction manuals?

Instruction manuals (also known as instruction books or user manuals) are the guide to how to use a piece of equipment. such as a camera, smartphone or tablet. They describe in detail how to use the equipment and how to get the most out of it.

We help people who have lost their printed manual or who have found that the manual for their new camera, smartphone or tablet is only available online.

You don't want to print a manual which is hundreds of pages long yourself. It will cost you a fortune in ink and paper and leave you with a pile of useless paper.

Are your manuals printed in colour?

All our manuals are printed in high quality black and white.
Most manuals are primarily text. All pictures are completely legible.

How do I search for my model of camera?

Enter the model name or number of your camera. You can also include the manufacturer but this is not required.
Example of a search (we will use a Nikon camera as an example but the same principle will apply for any manufacturer).
Looking for information on a Nikon Coolpix P7700:
In the search box if you enter "Coolpix P" the P7700 and various other Coolpix Ps will come up.
If you enter just "Coolpix" a longer list containing all the Nikon Coolpix models, including the P7700, will come up.
If you enter "700" a list that contains the Coolpix P7700 will come up, you may get hits from other manufacturers as well as Nikon.
If you enter "P7700 Coolpix" you will get no hits. The letters and numbers must be in the correct order.
If you are not sure which order a model name should be entered just enter part of the name. For example, if you are not sure if a model is the "Coolpix P7700" or the "P7700 Coolpix" just enter either "P7700" or "Coolpix".
If you enter just "Nikon" you will get many pages of results.

Why do I sometimes see other model names in brackets?

Sometimes manufacturers give different names to the same model in different parts of the world. We usually use the name used in the UK as the main model name. If you see another model name in brackets this is usually the name used for the same model in another part of the world.

Sometimes a model goes under more than one name. We will try to use all names a model is known as.

What happens if I can't find my model?

Try entering less text in the model search box.

If you still can't find your model listed please email us at or phone us on: +44 (0)1707 273773 between 9.30 and 5.00 UK time Monday to Friday and we will try to help you.

How can I contact you?

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions at all.

Email us at:

You can also phone us on: +44 (0)1707 273773 between 9.30 and 5.00 UK time Monday to Friday.

When you call us you will always speak to a real person. We will never make you deal with an automated switchboard.